Earn money for your organization by selling Lake Country DockHounds tickets!
Pick your game(s) that you want to sell tickets for
Promote $20 tickets using your organization’s special link (sent to you by us!)
Receive $5 from every ticket you sell!
If your organization sells at least 100 tickets to a game, you will receive a honorary pregame ceremony hosted by our very own Skipper Dave
Bring 8-12 people from your organization to help park cars for approximately 2.5 hours before DockHounds games, and receive 20% of that day’s parking sales. Your organization is responsible for purchasing/selling 20 tickets for that game, which your organization will then receive $5 for each ticket purchased.
* Season ticket holders receive free parking and will not be included in parking sales totals
50/50 RAFFLE
Sell 50 Lake Country DockHounds game tickets and your organization can become eligible to be the 50/50 Raffle Non-Profit of the game. Each organization will need to be a registered non-profit and obtain a raffle license. Your organization will then receive 50% of that night’s raffle ticket sales, plus $5 from every ticket sold through your orgnaizations special link.